Wedding Day Makeup and Hair

Your Wedding day is a day you want to look and feel your best. You can’t wait till your makeup and hair is done so you can get into the beautiful dress that you starved yourself to fit into! I know…. I have been there and done that! But wait, you never had a trial run because you know she’s good and you have seen her photos that have been photo shopped and you know your going to look exactly the way you visioned….Ha…Ha…Ha… NOT!!!!

A trial run is not only for the makeup Artist but it’s so that you as a bride know how you will look for your wedding day. You must book a Makeup Artist at least 4 months preferably 6 before your wedding. A Great Makeup Artists book up fast. You want to book a Makeup Artist that is a full-time makeup artist and specializes on weddings. you want someone who will provide you with a contract so that you know she means business. Your Makeup Artist will  give you a look that you are wishing for or to help you achieve a look your just not sure you want. She should be able to tell you what will look good for your features and what will be best for your dress ect… You don’t want any unpleasant surprises on your wedding day.

Bring Pictures of your Makeup and Hair that you like so that you two are on the same page. A smokey eye may be very different from what you envisioned and a poof in the back of your head may not be as high as you want. Make sure you two mesh well you want to love your makeup artist and she want to love you back…

Heres to a Fabulous Trial Run!!! Now go book your Makeup Artist!

 Jenifer Haupt

Sacramento Makeup Artist Jenifer Haupt